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Feb 24, 2024

How to Use Generative AI to Skyrocket Your Wholesaling Business

Imagine transforming your real estate wholesaling business from the usual grind to a thrilling adventure powered by Generative AI, with Michelle Murray, your real estate operations guru, guiding you every step of the way. This leap into the future isn't about sidelining the human element but supercharging it with unparalleled efficiency and insight. Let's break down how this cutting-edge technology can elevate your real estate wholesaling business.

Feb 19, 2024

Diversifying Your Lead Sources: The Key to Sustainable Success in Real Estate Wholesaling

Real Estate wholesaling Lead generation diversification isn't just a defensive strategy; it's a growth hack. By leveraging various lead sources, you're broadening your reach, engaging with a more diverse audience, and uncovering hidden gems of opportunity. Each channel has its strengths and appeals to different market segments, ensuring you're always in the right place at the right time and never caught with you pants down by relying too heavily on just one lead source.

Apr 1, 2023

Solving the internal problem will give you superpowers.

Your real estate business is growing. You may feel like everything is working—until it isn’t. Solving the internal problem may take longer to address, but will give you superpowers to save not just the day. but the business.

Apr 6, 2023

How to hire in your wholesaling business without training your competition

Do you need help in your wholesaling business but you're afraid you might just wind up training your competition. If so, you're not alone, this is a common concern. In this post I will share 4 ways to banish your fear for good.

Apr 30, 2023

What I learned from hiring 100 Overseas Virtual Assistants

I've hired over 100 virtual assistants for my real estate wholesaling business and only 20 people are with me today. Here is what this experience has taught me.